Pastor Cathy Hamilton, now retired from
20 years of service with Sandy Creek Baptist Church and Calcium Community
Church, and the Ministers at Large program of the American Baptist Ministries,
is known for her sense of humor and distinctive laugh. Cathy will share her
journey from wife, mother to four daughters, bookkeeper, and caretaker to
answering the call to ministry.
“People would never believe I was once a
quiet person. The thought of public speaking made me ill, but I knew God was
calling and I soon learned that when He calls, you answer and He will provide
the means. I pray this program will encourage others. So often, too often, we
are afraid to take that step. Afraid we have nothing to offer. There is no one
that God cannot use to further His ministry. Look at me,” Pastor Hamilton says.
Live More Ministries is a Christian
outreach program for women, offering programs quarterly at churches throughout
the Jefferson County area. On Saturday, May 30, the Adams Center Baptist Church
Women will offer breakfast from 9am to 9:45am followed by the 10am-12pm
For more information about Live More Ministries for women, contact Chris at 315-767-2058, or email